McGrath Championships 2024
Our Feis will be in the tiered Auditorium of Calwell High School, on a large 12 x 8 dance floor. Our warm up room will be in the school dance rooms which have large mirrors and tarkett flooring. We will have our arts and crafts table, a stocked canteen, BBQ, raffles, 2nd chance stores and more.
Conor Ayers VIC, Donna Cannon NSW, Catherine Poulton VIC.
Stephen Carolan QLD
Closing Date
Entries will close Mid May 2024. Late entries may be accepted with an additional fee of $20. Entry numbers will be capped to ensure we stay on schedule.
Dancer Feedback Entry
This year, dancers have the option to enter the feedback section. Dancers will perform any dance on their own and all three adjudicators will provide written feedback to the dancer. Each dancer can be filmed and have their photograph taken on stage. A dancer may enter this section twice and perform any dance and bars of their choice. This section is available to Elementary, Intermediate, Open and Adult dancers only. This section is NOT a competition.
Entry Options
All Championship events will be adjudicated by 3 ADCRG’s. .
Novice, Beginner and Primary sections will have Warm Up Dances available at $11 each, and Premierships at $40
Elementary, Intermediate and Open Premierships will be 3 rounds. Premierships will be $65.
Elementary, Intermediate, Open and Adult Sections will have the Dancer Feedback section available for $25 each dance. Dancers can enter twice. It is not a competition.
Door Entry Fee is $15.
Ceili Options are available for those who wish to enter. Each entry is per dancer. All dancer in the team must enter.
Online Entry
Enter the Feis on our website at
Questions? Contact Leanne at
Sustainability and Reuse Stall
We are hoping to run our event as sustainable as possible and this includes prizes. We are excited to share our ideas and we hope all the dances will love them. Our canteen will be stocked with sustainable and delicious treats. Please assist in our day with limiting the amount of plastic covered food and snacks to the venue. We would love to be able to recycle our whole day!
Did you know we recycle trophies to our younger competitors. If you have any trophies you would like to donate that we can clean up and re brand, please bring in a box to the competition for us to use next year...please don’t send them to landfill!
Did you also know that there is a dancing school in NZ who locates unwanted costumes to use for their less fortunate families. We will be sending a bulk package to them after our feis.... Do you have an older unwanted costume? Please bring it so we can donate... how cool!
The following rules should be read in light of the AIDA Mission statement, the objective of which is to encourage good sportsmanship in a healthy, positive and fair spirited environment. This objective should be upheld by ALL teachers, dancers, parents and spectators at all events.
1. Competitors must be pupils of Registered Teachers with An Coimisiun Le Rinci Gaelacha who are also registered with AIDA Inc for the year 2024.
2. Competitors must be registered with AIDA Inc. for 2024 and proof of age must also have been ascertained.
3. Entries must be submitted on the official entry form and fees paid by the due date. Late entries will be accepted until Wednesday 20th May 2024, with a late fee of $20 per entry. No entries will be received after this date.
4. All competitors must be in the marshalling area prior to the commencement of their sections otherwise they may face disqualification.
5. The competition organizer reserves the right to amend the order of dances at any time.
6. In the case of a tie, there will be no dance off. Competitors in the next position will move back a place.
7. Competitors will be required to dance to music supplied by the Feis organizer. Teachers may be required to supply their own music for Own Choice Set Dances, Reels in Couples & Reels in Threes.
8. If there is a problem with music, either manual or recorded, the dancer will be permitted to re-dance.
9. If a dancer loses a heel or a complete shoe, he/she may stand back allowing the other dancer to continue dancing uninhibited. Such a dancer will then be allowed to re-dance.
10. Should a dancer bump, slip or fall, they may re-dance at the adjudicator’s discretion.
11. No block, en point, stationary or moving is allowed to be performed for all ages up to and including the 11 years and under age groups.
12. If a dancer falls the adjudicator must ring the bell. The dancer will be permitted to re-dance at the adjudicator’s discretion.
13. Where a dancer fails to complete his/her performance in any given round, that dancer is to be given zero marks by each adjudicator for that round.
14. Lead Round / heavy dancing. In all competitions for Primary, Intermediate and Open, in all heavy dancing ie Jig and Hornpipe, the Lead Round must be danced on both right and left foot.
15. In graded sections, competitors are required to perform correct standard of work as set out in the AIDA Inc Competitions Rules and Regulations. Competitors will be disqualified by adjudicators if incorrect standard of work is performed.
18. Dancers must follow the AIDA Inc costume rules and makeup rules.
19. The decision of the adjudicator is final. Any protests are to be directed in writing to the competition organizers, accompanied by a fee of $100.00, to be forfeited if the objection is over-ruled.
20. To receive prizes or awards, competitors must be in full dancing costume including shoes.
21. Any form of unauthorised photography which has the capability to capture a dancer’s image whilst in motion, using electronic or manual means eg mobile phone, standard camera, video camcorder, cinerecorder, commercial film with or without flash enhancement is expressly forbidden in competition unless prior permission has been given by the Feis organizers. Except for dancers in the Novice and Beginner sections, refer to the photography conditions for novice and beginner dancers as listed below.
22. Costume dress necklines must be of collar-bone level or above. This does not preclude the use of alternative fabrics eg lace as an insert
23. Where chiffon or lace material is used as sleeves, the sleeves must start at the shoulder line and end at the cuff.
24. Appropriate underwear must be worn. Where tights are worn, they must be of a denier not less than 70.
25. In accordance with our obligations under the Protection policy, dancers are reminded to wear appropriate dress at all times whilst at the Feis (especially in the auditorium area). NB This means that shorts / skirt must be worn over leotards at all times.
27. The use of artificial arm aids is not permitted.
28. Although all care will be taken to provide a safe stage surface, all dancers participate at their own risk.
29. McGrath Irish Dance will not accept any liability for injuries sustained. Lodgement of an entry will be deemed to be an acceptance of this provision by a dancer, their parent/guardian and teacher.
30. The Feis Organizer will not enter into any correspondence with parents or non-parents concerning the organization and procedure at a Feis unless these matters are put in writing.
31. All dancers must wear the number provided on the front of their costume.
32. Following the awards, parents may photograph their own child or others with parental permission but be highly aware that there must not be other children in the shot whose privacy must be protected (if applicable). As organisers of this event, we plan to photograph winning competitors for the purpose of posting on our Facebook and Instagram page. Please indicate if you wish to opt out of this process.
33. Lodgment of an entry shall be taken to signify that the Teacher, Parent and Pupils concerned accept these rules in full and agree to strictly abide by them.
Following recent changes made to the photography rule as set down by An Comisiun le Rinci Gaelacha, Ireland, families will now be given the opportunity to film their children dancing in NOVICE AND BEGINNER SECTIONS ONLY under the guidelines set out below.
• Who
Only persons known to the Dancer may be photographers. There will only be one photographer permitted per dancer per dance.
• What
Video and still Photo images only. NO FLASH Photography permitted. Only those permitted to take images of the Dancer/s for whom the Photographer has been granted permission. Photography of any other Dancer is NOT Permitted. If the same Dancer who competes in Novice/Beginners also competes in a higher Grade event, photography is not allowed in the higher Grade event under any circumstances.
• Where
Any Novice/Beginner events of any AIDA Feis. Photographers only permitted to take photographic images from the designated area/s assigned by the Feis Organisers. Prize presentation photography is permitted and is not limited to the designated photography area.